Office Moving Plan Is A Must!

Moving offices can be a complex and challenging task, but with some smart planning and organization, you can make the process smoother and more efficient. Here are some office moving hacks to help you:

Create a Detailed Moving Plan:

Start planning well in advance to ensure a smooth transition.

Assign roles and responsibilities to team members for different aspects of the move.

Create a timeline that outlines key tasks and deadlines.

Designate a Moving Team:

Establish a moving team or coordinator to oversee the entire process.

Ensure clear communication among team members and departments.

Inventory and Declutter:

Take inventory of all items to be moved and identify what can be discarded or donated.

Decluttering can help reduce moving costs and ensure you only move what you need.

Labeling and Color Coding:

Use color-coded labels for each department or area to make unpacking and placement easier.

Clearly label boxes with their contents and the destination location.

Technology Setup:

Plan your IT and technology setup ahead of time to minimize downtime.

Document and label all cables and connections for easy reassembly.

Notify Clients:

Inform clients, vendors, and stakeholders about the upcoming move and provide them with updated contact information.

Hire Professional Movers:

Consider hiring professional movers experienced in office relocations.

Get quotes from multiple moving companies to find the best deal.

Measure New Space:

Measure the new office space and plan the layout before moving day.

Ensure that furniture and equipment will fit comfortably in the new space.

Packing Essentials Bag:

Pack an essentials bag with items like office supplies, important documents, and basic tools for immediate use.

Moving Supplies:

Gather plenty of packing materials such as boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers.

Use packing materials designed for electronics to protect sensitive equipment.

Change of Address:

Update your company’s address with postal services, clients, suppliers, and any relevant institutions.

Unpacking Strategy:

Prioritize unpacking based on immediate needs and essential items.

Unpack one department at a time to maintain organization.

Furniture Disassembly and Assembly:

Take apart large furniture and equipment as needed, and keep all hardware in labeled bags.

Safety First:

Ensure the safety of your team by providing proper lifting techniques and using equipment like dollies.

Celebrate the Move:

Moving your office is difficult and to make it easier, get the office staff onboard. Organize a small office-warming event to boost morale and create a positive atmosphere in the new space.

Update Digital Presence:

Update your company’s website, social media profiles, and online directories with the new address.

Remember that every office move is unique, so adapt these hacks to fit your specific needs and circumstances. Planning, communication, and organization are key to a successful office relocation.

Things To Know When Moving Into A New Home

Moving to a new home can be a stressful experience, but with the right strategies and organization, you can make the process much smoother and more efficient. Here are some residential moving hacks to help you:

Create a Moving Binder:

Keep all moving-related documents, receipts, and notes in a dedicated binder for easy access.

Declutter and Donate:

Before packing, go through your belongings and donate or sell items you no longer need or use.

This will reduce the amount of stuff you have to pack and unpack.

Pack an “Open First” Box:

Pack a box with essentials you’ll need right away in your new home: toiletries, a change of clothes, basic kitchen items, and important documents.

little girls enjoying being pushed by parents in moving boxes

Label and Color-Code Boxes:

Label boxes with their contents and the room they belong to.

Consider using color-coded labels to match rooms and make unpacking easier.

Use Clothing for Padding:

Wrap fragile items in clothing, towels, and linens to provide extra padding during transit.

Take Photos of Electronics:

Before disconnecting electronics, take photos of the cable setup to make reassembly easier.

Bag and Label Small Parts:

For furniture assembly, place screws, bolts, and small parts in labeled plastic bags and tape them to the item.

Protect Breakables with Soft Items:

Use socks, scarves, and soft clothing to wrap fragile items for added protection.

Utilize Suitcases and Tote Bags:

Pack heavy items in suitcases with wheels for easier transport.

Use tote bags for carrying miscellaneous items.

Pack Hanging Clothes in Garbage Bags:

Keep your clothes on hangers and group them together, then cover them with a garbage bag and secure the hangers through the opening.

Pack Books in Rolling Suitcases:

Books can be heavy, so use rolling suitcases to make them easier to transport.

Protect Jewelry with Egg Cartons:

Place small jewelry items in egg cartons to keep them organized and prevent tangles.

Wrap Liquids with Plastic Wrap:

Unscrew the lids of liquid containers, cover the openings with plastic wrap, and then screw the lids back on to prevent leaks.

Use Plastic Wrap for Drawer Items:

Keep dresser drawers closed during the move by wrapping plastic wrap around them.

Measure Furniture and Doorways:

Measure your furniture and doorways in advance to ensure large items will fit through entrances.

a couple and their son pulling a red wagon filled with moving boxes

Update Your Address:

Notify the post office, update your address with banks, subscriptions, and official documents.

Clean as You Go:

Clean your current home as you pack and your new home before you start unpacking.

Ask for Help:

Don’t hesitate to ask friends or family for assistance, especially for heavy lifting or childcare.

Take Breaks and Stay Hydrated:

Moving can be physically demanding, so remember to take breaks and stay hydrated.

Stay Positive:

Keep a positive attitude throughout the process, and remember that the move is a fresh start in a new home.

Remember, proper planning and organization are key to a successful residential move. These hacks should help make the process more manageable and less stressful.

An Environmentally Friendly Moving Company

donate and recycelIf you’re an environmentally conscious person who is in the middle of planning for a long-distance move, you may be wondering how your move may impact the environment. The residential movers at District Moving Companies Inc. have a list of tips you can follow to lessen your impact. Our movers are ready to help our customers do their part to protect the environment. 

Friendly Environmental tips

An average American moves 6 times in their life. Every move can be focused on protecting the environment and reducing your move’s negative effect on the environment. How to make an impact while moving:

1. Dispose of wisely: Dispose of chemicals, such as gasoline, oil, cleaners, and electronics and appliances according to environmental standards. 

2. Donate Unwanted/Excess Items: If there are household items, clothing, and non-perishable foodstuff you don’t want to bring with you, you can donate these items to local charitable organizations. 

3. Use Reusable Plastic Materials: Instead of using single-use plastic or foam packing materials, use soft household items like blankets, towels, or clothing to pad fragile items. 


Like every successful move, protecting the environment during amove begins with the moving company. Here are some things we do that can help the environment:

1. Combine Customer Shipments: We can reduce our fuel usage by combining different customers’ smaller shipments on the same truck if they are moving in the same direction. 

2. Use Reusable Packing Materials: When possible, we use moving blankets and rubber bands instead of plastic wrap, tape, and foam packing materials to reduce the amount of waste. 

Moving during Covid-19

At District Moving, the safety and health of our customers — and crews — come first. That’s why we’re providing critical information that impacts all moves in the wake of COVID-19. We hope to address any concerns you may have with the following responses to our most frequently asked questions. If you have other questions or specific needs, however, please reach out to us by phone or email. We’re here to help you make sure your next move is your best move.


Can I move during COVID-19?

Many families and businesses around the region are going forward with moving plans, primarily out of necessity. Movers have been deemed essential by state and federal officials, so we continue to work through this crisis, and we do so with an extra measure of care and caution.

Should I move during COVID-19?

The policies we have put in place are designed to ensure the safety and health of our customers and our crews. Ultimately, the decision to move during the COVID-19 pandemic is yours, but you should know that District Moving is managing moves every day, helping homeowners and businesses make safe, smooth transitions just as we always have.

How could COVID-19 affect my move?

As often as we can, we are providing estimates by phone and video. This is for everyone’s comfort and safety. Also, we are sending senior managers out on moving day to fully explain our COVID-19 policies and procedures, so you know exactly what to expect from our crew.

District Moving is carefully monitoring the health of our crews at this time, and daily reiterating the importance of wearing gloves and facemasks. Access to a bathroom is critical for our crew so they can regularly wash hands as needed. Also, we are continually disinfecting surfaces in the course of the move and disinfecting our trucks after every move. In some cases, these measures may add time to your move, but not to an extent that we would be unable to complete the job as projected.

How will social distancing impact my move?

As much as possible, we are working with customers to limit the number of individuals in the home, or office. Optimally, we would like to have only one person on site with our crew.

On moving day, our crew will follow guidelines for social distancing as much as possible. In some cases, however, two or more of our crew may need to work together to move larger pieces. They will protect themselves and endeavor to protect you, as well.

Are protective gloves essential if I move during COVID-19?

Latex gloves are an essential part of our crews’ uniforms. We have always insisted on wearing work gloves to move boxes and large belongings. These are also required.

What is the best way to disinfect my personal belongings?

Our crew will disinfect surfaces throughout the move — particularly those materials on which the virus is known to live for several hours, or days. We recommend you use the strongest available disinfectants on countertops and surfaces and follow guidelines for regular hand washing.

Do I need to pack my belongings differently?

There’s no need to pack belongings differently, but we believe it is very important to use new boxes for your move. The virus can live on cardboard for up to 24 hours, so it’s essential to have moving boxes that have been stored in a safe and secure location rather than those any member of your family or office, may have found.

Any special considerations for office/commercial moves during COVID-19?

As always, we will provide large, stackable containers ahead of moving day. These containers are disinfected between every move.

If possible, we would work to limit the number of your employees present on moving day. Optimally, only one representative from your office on hand to ensure social distancing throughout the day.

Where do I get the latest information about moving during COVID-19?

For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Please call our office at (301) 843-6606 and/or fill out the contact form.

Employee office moving instructions

16 Office Moving Tips You Can Use

We’ve compiled 16 office moving tips that’ll make your life easier at the end of the relocation.

Clean Up Campaign

This post comes from our friends at American Moving and Storage Association

Two weeks prior to the move we will have a clean up and out campaign. The janitorial staff will arrange for large wastebaskets to be placed in central locations in each department on (date) for all non-confidential materials to be disposed. Please go through you desk, credenza, file cabinets, bookcases and storage areas and dispose of anything that will not be needed your new location.

If you need to dispose of confidential material, please place these items in the designated area for them to be picked up and stored until they can be shredded. If you have questions about confidential material, please see your immediate supervisor about disposal or retention.

Restricted Access During Move

Once the move begins, there will be limited access to both the current and new facilities. Please plan to be out of your work area at least 30 minutes prior to the movers beginning in your area. You will have access to your new facility at any time following the return to work date and time stated on the first page of this packet. This absence is necessary to prevent interference with the move itself and to prevent injuries to both employees and moving personnel.

Personal Items

Separately pack all your personal belongings, such as photographs, clocks, radios, coffee mugs, artwork and knick-knacks. These will need to be moved to the new office by you. Personal items will not be moved by the moving company, please take them home with you at least one day prior to the move commencing. Additionally, the company’s insurance does not cover these items. Once you are settled in your new workspace, these items may be brought back.


If you are in a private office and your furniture will be used in you new office, lock all desks, files, credenzas, and storage cabinets and take the keys with you. You will be responsible for these keys. If you will not be using your furniture in the new office, tape the key inside the piece to which the key fits, i.e. the desk, tape the key inside one of the top drawers.

If you are in a workstation rather than private office, while the furniture will be reassembled at the new location, you probably will not end up with the exact combination of furniture that you now have. Do not lock the drawers, cabinets and storage areas, but tape the key to the inside of the piece in which the key fits.

Packing – Tote Boxes

The mover will provide each person with a set number of boxes, if you need more, they are available, just ask your move coordinator. The tote boxes will be delivered flat. Unfold the box and follow the instructions that are printed on the box. Please do not use tape to secure the box since the boxes will be returned to the moving company. The flaps will interlock to secure the box.

Tote boxes are most commonly used for office files and will come in two standard sizes, letter and legal. The sides of the box are built so that file will easily slip into the box. Be sure as you pick up your boxes that you pick up the correct size. If you are packing an alphabetized or numbered filing system that you pack the boxes from front to back so that they match the front to back sequencing in the drawers. It is best if you plan one box per drawer, rather than co-mingling drawers. If there is space at the back of the box fill it with other office equipment or with sheets of crumpled newsprint or paper pads. This process will make unpacking at the new location much easier. Also carefully mark the box label as to the location and the specific drawer number. For added protection you may also want to include the sequence (alpha or numeric) that is included in the container. You can also put a sheet of paper inside the box just before it is closed that states the area, cabinet, drawer and contents. This way if the label is lost the contents can be correctly refiled.

Book Boxes

Book boxes are the other standard box that will be used during the relocation. These should be used for packing bookshelves, contents of desks, credenzas, filing cabinets and office supplies. These will also be delivered flat and will require tape to secure the bottom and top flaps, these boxes will also be returned to the mover once the move is complete, so use tape sparingly.

When you have finished packing each box, carefully mark the box label with your name, new office number and location. Do not write on the box itself. You can also put a sheet of paper inside the box just before it is closed that has your name, office number and contact information, this way if the label is lost the box can be returned to your new office. You may also be encouraged to make a complete inventory of the contents of each box.

Other Boxes

While the totes and book boxes are the most commonly used on an office move, the moving company will have a variety of specialty boxes available should you need them. You will have to alert your move coordinator as to your special needs, so the moving company can deliver the correct box.


Each office has been assigned a move label color. Your color is on the first page of this guide. If you receive a label color other than that, notify your move coordinator immediately. You will receive your labels approximately one week prior to the start of the move. You will also receive enough labels for each piece of furniture that is in your work area and the anticipated number of boxes that you will have. If you need more labels or have extras, please alert your move coordinator.

You will need to clearly mark each label with your name, floor number, office or workstation number and piece number. Mark the labels with a medium to wide felt tipped pen, like a Sharpie®. Do not use a ballpoint pin, as the labels need to be clear and easily read by the movers from some distance and often in poor light.

Remember, EVERY ITEM THAT IS MOVING MUST HAVE A LABEL. If you have a desk that is in several sections, each section must have a label, all shelves from bookcases must be labeled and all boxes. If you are having difficulty with labels sticking you may secure them with scotch tape.

To save your fingernails and frustration levels at the new facility, fold a small piece of each label back under the label, this will give you a “pull tab” to start with as you remove each label.

Labeling System

During an office move, the movers are trained to look for labels in specific locations. This is why the labels must be clearly visible from distances and in poor lighting. It also allows the movers to “float” every piece of office furniture and boxes onto dollies for the relocation and allows for easier placement at the new facility. The basic objective is to stand in front of any piece of furniture and see the label in the upper right hand corner or at about eye level for large pieces and for smaller objects to see the label on the top right front corner.

There is a diagram for the most common pieces of furniture and their label placement at the end of this guide. If you have questions about specific placement, check with your move coordinator.

As the movers finish the move they will place each piece of furniture into your new work area based on the placement diagram that you provide the move coordinator for the arrangement of furniture. The boxes will be placed on the rear wall, if available, with the labels facing forward and readable from the entrance to the work area.

More Office Moving Tips for Success

Remove all items from your desk, credenza, storage cabinets, and bookshelves then pack them into boxes that will be provided by the mover. This is critical since the majority of the furniture will be turned on end during the course of the move. Any small items, such as paperclips or rubber bands should be sealed in envelopes before placing them in the packing box. Any liquids, such as ink, glue, correction fluid should be sealed tightly and then place a strip of masking tape around the top of each before packing it into the box.

Breakable items should be wrapped in paper before being packed or be packed by the mover.

Check all the wheels on chairs, rolling tables, computer stands, printer stands, etc. Any that are loose should be removed and packed. Otherwise, you will never see them again.

If you are moving into a private office, a diagram of desired furniture placement should be completed and turned into the move coordinator at your earliest convenience. If you are moving into a modular or semi private area, you may hand in a placement diagram for equipment.

When you are packing, do not seal the boxes until you have completed your packing, this will help avoid the need to open and search boxes to find items or when you need to remove or insert last minute items.

As you complete each box stack it to one side of your office, no more than 4 boxes high, with the label on the front, right hand, upper corner. You should be able to see each label from the entrance to your work area.

Before you leave your work area for the last time, double check that all labels are visible and that anything not moving to the new location is also marked as do not move.

Once the move is completed and you have unpacked your work area, remove all moving labels. The boxes that you used should be collapsed and returned to a central collection point.


AMSA Membership & Pro Mover Certification

District Moving Companies, Inc is proud to be a member of the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA).  The AMSA is a national trade association headquartered in Alexandria, VA.  Their mission is to represent the interest of the domestic and international moving and storage industry and to help the customers it serves.

As a certified ProMover, District Moving Companies, Inc has agreed to and abides by a strict code of ethics.  The program was started on January 1, 2009 and was designed to fight rogue operators in the moving industry.  A ProMover certification makes it easy for a customer to determine if they are dealing with a legitimate moving company.  We strive to make every customer feel comfortable and confident in our services.

Take a look at for more info on the AMSA.

How RFID benefits our customers

RFID vs Barcode: 8 Reasons Why It’s Better

When it comes to RFID vs Barcode, it’s a no-brainer.

There are many benefits to this exciting new technology. Our system uses a handheld RFID reader and RFID enabled tags. Each tag contains a radio chip which transmits data to the handheld reader. Based on this information, reports can easily be created to indicate which items are at which location. RFID allows us to keep track of items without having to physically see each and every piece. This leads to a reduced operating cost for District which we can then pass on to our customers.

Because we don’t have to be able to see an item to keep track of it, it takes much less time to track items in storage. RFID also provides an aesthetic benefit to the customer. RFID allows for faster item location, faster asset tracking and advanced reporting capabilities.

Barcode readers require a direct line of sight with the barcode tag to acquire information on a particular item. With RFID, the tag can be located anywhere on the item and still be easily read. Since the RFID tags don’t need a direct line of site, they can be placed on the bottom or back of pieces. With barcoding, the barcode has to be visible in order to scan the piece.

RFID information can be read at distances as great as 300 feet. Barcode readers are limited to about 15 feet with a perfect line of sight. With barcoding systems, the warehouseman would have to scan a barcode located on each piece. If the barcode wasn’t placed exactly right, the piece or the pieces around it would have to be handled to scan the code.

RFID Vs Barcode – Faster,  More Rugged

RFID is also a much faster technology. It is possible to read up to 40 tags per second. With barcoding, there is much more human interaction required to ensure proper label orientation and each piece must be scanned individually. This additional time and handling on each piece which increases costs. In general, the less times you handle an item the better.

RFID tags also have full read/write capability. This means that information can be added to the information stored on the individual tag. Barcodes can only store a limited amount of information and once it is created it cannot be modified. When a RFID tag is entered into the database, we can add as many descriptors for the item as needed. We can accurately describe any piece in storage. This includes size, weight, cubic feet, condition reports, and quantities. The entry fields are completely customizable in our database. We can easily track when an item was received, when it was delivered and where it was delivered to.

RFID tags are also much more rugged than barcode tags. The electronic components are covered in plastic making them more durable. The tags can also be placed on a part of the item that receives minimal exposure which reduces the risk of damage. Barcodes have to be visible and exposed in order to be read.

With RFID, much more automation is possible. Readers can be set up at access points and automatically read items coming and going. For the most part, with barcoding, human interaction is required to scan each piece.